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treatmens are aimed exclusively for private patients:


  • privately insured 

  • self-payment basis


The individual sessions are held directly at the start of the appointment   charged, either in cash, with EC or credit card or by bank transfer. Other psychotherapeutic services (such as the written application) can also be paid by invoice.


Assumption of costs by private health insurance companies

As a state-approved psychological psychotherapist, I am registered in the medical register. costs for my psychotherapeutic treatment are largely covered by the private health insurance companies and subsidy offices. The basis for billing is the fee schedule for doctors, (GOP) . To be on the safe side, however, you should already make an informal application for approval of psychotherapeutic treatment / reimbursement of costs from your private health insurance company after the initial interview .


Assumption of costs by the aid agencies
Eligible persons, such as civil servants, usually have additional private health insurance to cover the part of the costs that are not covered by the subsidy. You should apply for the psychotherapy application before the start of therapy with the allowance and private health insurance.


The formalities do not apply to self-payment. This is usually the fastest way to get therapeutic support, especially in acute cases.

Please also note that coaching, couple therapy and family therapy are not covered by the health insurance companies.

Das Ausfallhonorar bei nicht fristgerechter Absage (min. 48 Werktagsstunden vor dem Termin) beträgt 95 €. Das Ausfallhonorar ist nicht erstattungsfähig und muss von Ihnen selbst getragen werden.Bitte bedenken Sie, dass die Termine ausschliesslich für Sie  freigehalten werden und nderen somit nicht zur Verfügung stehen. Für Termine nach 20 Uhr besteht ein Zuschlag (siehe Leistungsübersicht).

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